Workout Wednesday
This is on of the most important muscle groups you could develop. It is the center of your existance. Developed abs can help prevent lower back problems and help help prevent injury from other forms of exercising. If you have been diligently working your midsection but remain a few cans shy of a six-pack. There may be simple explanation. You need the right diet and exercise program. (weights and cardiovascular) to burn off fat before you can develop a cover-model stomach. It is wise to save your abdomel routine for the end of your workout, since your ab muscles help stabilize your waist during many exercise for other muscle groups.
Crunch-is the best way to sculpt an amazing midsection. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, spread about hip-width apart. Place your hands so that they're lightly touching your head behind your ears. As you begin to exhale, slowly curl your head and torso toward your knees until your shoulder blades are off the floor. Imagine that you're drawing your ribs to your hips, as if your midsection were an accordion. Pause, then return to the starting position, inhaling as you go. Mix and match be involving the lower rectus abdominus by keeping your knees bent, but suspend your feet an inch off the floor instead of planting them flat.
Where you place your hands can change the degree of difficulty of a crunch. If you can't complete the last repition of a set, try moving your hands from behind your ears to across your chest. This displaces a portion of your weight and may allow you to do one or two more crunches, to work the muscles a little longer. The fitter you are, the less body weight you probably have to use as resistance, making ab exercises easier and less effective. Using weight plates, medicine balls, or pulleys can help you exhaust your abdominal muscles.
In order to see any results from ab workouts you half to shed the fat with cardiovascular workout and proper dieting as mentioned before. The most effective cardio workout with the quickest results is running. Next week we will discuss how running can be fun and some tips on proper form.