Live a Longer and Healthier Life
Your goal: To live a longer, healthier life. Our goal: To help you with your goal. So, here are some important tips we’ve tracked down for you, with the help of the researchers at Health magazine.
- Control your anger! If your temper boils over when the shopper in front of you in the express aisle has more than 10 items, or the BMW in the lane next to you cuts you off, know this: losing your temper can do some serious damage to your arteries. Dr. C. Noel Bairey Merz, the chair of Women’s Health at Cedars Sinai Heart Institute in Los Angeles, says rage causes your blood pressure to surge and stay up there. That’s why it’s crucial to get a grip on your anger – the sooner, the better. Blowing your top isn’t worth a shorter life span. So always ask yourself – will this matter to me in five minutes, five days, five months? If not, let it go.
- Get more of the three F’s - fish, flaxseed and fiber. This is especially important for women in their 40s, because as estrogen dips, your blood pressure and cholesterol start to creep up. So do your triglycerides – a type of fat stored in the blood. So, creating a heart-healthy eating plan is more important than ever. Aim for two servings of fish like tuna or salmon each week for omega-3s. Also, sprinkle flaxseed on yogurt or cottage cheese to lower your cholesterol, and experiment with dishes that contain high fiber foods, such as apples, broccoli and beans. You can find some great ideas at Health.com/fiber-recipes.
- Monitor your stress and worry. Between the demands of work and family, it’s easy to be consumed with worry. However, try not to be. Dr. Jennifer Mieres, a cardiologist in New York says uncontrolled worry can flood your blood vessels with inflammatory chemicals, which can be toxic to the heart in high doses. Depression – which premenopausal women are at twice the risk for – has been linked to hardening of the arteries. Of course, there are the unhealthy habits that go along with worrying – including smoking, excessive drinking and overeating. So, make sure you get 30 minutes of exercise most days to both combat stress, and keep your body in top form.
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