Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Value Your Time! -
You can make money, save money, spend money, and even give it away, can't you? In contrast there is only one thing you can do with your time: spend it. Your time can never be replaced. Once it's spent it's gone forever.
The best definition of time which conveys it's true importance is: Time is Life! After agreeing to this definition you will never 'kill time' again because the next time you are just 'killing time' waiting for an appointment or a long-winded friend to finish their story you'll say to yourself, 'I am not killing time, I'm killing my life!'
With this new attitude comes new level of energy and a new zest for life.
Benjamin Franklin once said "Doest thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of."

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