Sport Saturday
Here are a few defintions of some basic basketball terms:
Blocking- illegal personal contact which inpedes the progress of an opponent.
Dribble-ball movement caused by player in control, who throws or taps the ball into the air or to the floor, and then touches it once before it touches the floor. The dribble ends when the dribbler:
1. Touches the ball simultaneously with both hands
2. Permits the ball to come to rest while he is in control of it
3.Tries for a field goal
4. Throws a pass
5. Touches the ball more than once while dribbling, before it touches the floor
6. Loses control
7. Allows the ball to become dead
Personal Foul- illegal physical contact which occurs with an opponent after the ball has become live.
Technical Foul- the penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct or violations by team members on the floor or seated on the bench. It may be assessed for illegal contact which occurs with an opponent befroe the ball becomes live.
Double Foul- situation where two opponents commit personal or technical fouls against each other at approximately the same time.
Offensive Foul- illegal contact, commited by an offinsive player, after the ball is live.
Lose Ball Foul- illegal contact, after the ball is alive, when team possession does not exist.
Elbow Foul- making contact with the elbow in an unsportsman like manner.
Flagrant Foul- unnecessary and/or excessive contact committed by a player against an opponent.
Away-from-the-play Foul- illegal contact by the defense in the last two minutes of the game, which occurs (1) deliberately away from the immediate area of the ball, and/or (2) prior to the ball being released on a throw-in.
Basket Ball Rules
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