Thursday, February 10, 2011

Secret Airline Seats

This info comes from Peter Greenberg, The Travel Detective:

•American Airline 767 - Two secret seats on domestic flights, 17H and 17J. On international flights, these two seats, located across from the galley and actually curtained off as a special section, are designated "crew rest" seats. They can be sold for domestic flights.

•American 757 - Ask for 10A or 10F. They are window seats, but because there is no 9A or 9F you'll have more legroom.

•Delta 757 - Same as American 757 but seat 20A.

•United 757 - Same as American 757 but seat 8A.

•Northwest 757 - Same as American 757 but seat 16F or 15E.

•USAir 737-200 - Same as American 757 but seat 11A or 11F.

•United 767 - In business-class ask for either 10A or 10F. These are single business-class seats, with petite desk areas on their sides.