Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Provocative Insight : John Travolta

The Secret Sex Life of John Travolta

The Secret Sex Life of John Travolta Author Robert Randolph has been talking to the tabloids about John Travolta's habit of hooking up with men at Los Angeles saunas. Most media outlets, however, were too shy to delve into the steamy details. We're not quite as timid. Randolph, an interior designer by trade, says he first started visiting LA's City Spa in 1995. It wasn't long, he claims, before he encountered fellow member and notorious closet case John Travolta, who frequented the spa to hook up with other men. He's publishing an account of his run-ins with Travoltaâ€"and a number of other celebritiesâ€"on the spa scene in a self-published book entitled You'll Never Spa in This Town Again, which you can pre-order on his website. In recent weeks, Randolph has been busy talking with tabloids such as the National Enquirer and Star, about what he witnessed. (He says the Enquirer even subjected him to a lie detector test, which he says he passed with flying (rainbow) colors.) But mainstream tabloids have generally been skittish about printing some of the more explicit details from Randolph's days on the spa circuit. Randolph says his first encounter with Travolta, who was then in his early 40s, took place in one of the spa's steam rooms. "I walked in and the guy was giving John a blowjob and, like guys do, he pulled his head up when I walked in. Then they left the room," Randolph described Travolta's mate as a "very handsome, very hung" Middle-Eastern man. "I decided to follow them. There was an empty massage room upstairs where guys could go and have sex. I followed them up there and I went in the next room where I normally got my massages, and I watched them have sex. Full-blown sex. Anal." In case you're wondering, Travolta is a bottom. It was after he'd seen Travolta getting it on with numerous men at the spa that Randolph had a run-in of his own. "We were both next to each other in the steam room and he started stroking his dick. It was hard," Randolph says. "He undid my towel and said, 'Let's have some fun.' I said no. I told him I wasn't comfortable." There's nothing wrong with hooking up with guys in bathhouses; we firmly believe that consenting adults should have as much sex as humanly possible. But Travolta's salacious trips to steam rooms are a little unusual considering the circumstances. Not only has he been married to Kelly Preston since 1991 (and fathered three children with her, including one that died and one that's about to be born any day now), he's also a prominent member of the Church of Scientology, which believes in "curing" people of their homosexuality. Critics of the church claim that information culled during "auditing sessions"â€"a process in which members clear themselves of "negative influences" and occasionally brings up details of sexual liaisonsâ€"is used to keep celebrities in the closet and in the church. Scientology's position on homosexuality, needless to say, is controversial. Indeed the church's hard-line stance has lost them a number of prominent members in recent years. But Scientology's position of the issue hasn't stopped Travolta from leading a rather active gay sex life, according to Randolph. Travolta, he says, visited gay spas several times a week, and was always on the lookout for some man-on-man action. And Randolph claims he's seen Travolta in any number of compromising positions over the years. "I've seen people sucking his dick. I've seen him sucking other guys' dicks. Anal wasn't always involved. But there was always action of some kind," he says. "It was often sucking, masturbating, and jerking off in front of everyone." Not the sort of behavior, in other words, that one would be expect from a member of an anti-gay group that many call a cult. According to Randolph, Travolta definitely has a type. "His preference is Middle Eastern or guys with dark features," he explains. "His taste has changed over the 15 years that I've seen him visiting spas. First he strictly liked black guys. For the longest time if you weren't black, he didn't want you. Then he was into Middle Eastern men. Then it was Mexicans and other Hispanic guys. Then he moved on to Koreans. I guess he doesn't have much of a preference any more." If there's one thing he likes, though, it's guys with big dicks, Randolph claims. Especially if the men in question are straight. "He does do more masculine gay guys, but his thing is straight guys," Randolph says. "He pulls them in because they're shocked and impressed that it's Travolta and that they're hooking up with him." How on earth does the actor seduce all these straight guys? The lure of celebrity plays a big part. "In the beginning, he would come in and people would recognize him and he would let people approach him," Randolph says of Travolta's seduction technique. "He's very personable, and he would use the fact he's a star to reel guys in." Eventually, he took that for granted. "It got to the point where he wouldn't even look at a person's eyes, he'd just stare at their cock and then follow them off to a more secluded space. That's how he operates now. For the last couple of years, he's had no discretion." While Randolph isn't afraid to get into some of the dirty details, there are a few things he didn't want to get into, like the size of Travolta's endowment or some of the more outrageous things he's seen him do over the years. "That's in the book. But he's over-the-top kinky," Randolph says. "Dirty, dirty, kinky, kinky. Stuff no one in their right mind would want to come out." Speaking of never coming out, it's doubtful Travolta ever willâ€"especially considering he has a pregnant wife and is devoted to an anti-gay "religious" group. According to Randolph, though, it's hardly a secret. "Everyone in LA knows."