Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Your Goal: Bigger Arms
Your Time: 24 Minutes Unless you can complete a set of five chinups and eight dips, you should limit muscle building workout exercises that isolate your arms, such as biceps curls and triceps extensions. "Your arms will grow best when you focus on the basics," says Kelly Baggett, a certified personal trainer with the International Sports Sciences Association. The basics, he explains, are compound exercises--such as the chinup and dip--that force you to move at more than one joint. These movements allow you to use heavier weights than you would with single-joint isolation exercises, while also training either your chest or back. So don't worry: By using these muscle building workouts, you'll fully engage the muscles of your arms with each repetition, and you'll also shore up any weaknesses in the larger muscles of your upper body. If you can't yet perform five chinups and eight dips, do Workout A, on the other side of this poster, twice a week. When you're able to complete a full complement of both exercises, progress to Workout B, performing the routine once every 3 to 5 days for bigger arms--and a better total body.

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