Monday, June 23, 2008

Cool down those air conditioning bills

Cranking up your air conditioner can mean getting burned when the electric bill comes, but experts say there are ways to soften the sting.

But using some simple strategies when you turn on the AC can mean serious savings.

"It's the same principle as if you drive your car economically and then you pay less," Con Ed spokesman Chris Olert said.

The most important rule, according to Olert, is to cool only the rooms you use.

If you have central air conditioning, that could mean covering cooling vents in unused rooms or raising one or more thermostats.

If you have window or wall units, you should close off other areas of your home.

Bob Swilik, a spokesman for air conditioner manufacturer Carrier, said changing the filter as needed and having the unit looked at by a technician can help you get the most out of an air conditioner.

Some other tips:

Keep the sun out. Blocking solar heat from getting into your home means less work for your air conditioner.

Keep the air moving. Fans use one-tenth the energy of air conditioners, and can be used instead of, or in combination with, air conditioning.

Make sure you have a unit that doesn't waste juice and is the right size for the job.

Brands with the yellow Energy Star seal have been approved by the government for efficiency and low emissions.

You should also make sure you are using your energy-efficient setting to cut down strain on the [power] grid and save money.

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