But not too much! Adam from Philadelphia cautions, "You have to pull the foreskin back a little. It doesn't feel like anything if you're just sucking the skin over the head." So, it needs to come back to the top, but don't turn it into an empty Chinese finger trap. Got it?
No wonder everyone freaks out when they see a foreskin—those things are complicated. Pull it back, but not too far; push it forward, but not too much; don't use it as a coin purse… the list goes on and on. The biggest thing to remember, though, is that unlike a cut cock, when dealing with an uncircumcised member you can grip hard and really work the skin.
"I like it when someone is using their hands during a blow job and pulling the foreskin over the head repeatedly. You should be pulling it over and then pulling it back. It feels like masturbating and that makes me want to cum," Adam says. You don't need your tonsils working the head when the guy's skin will provide all the friction it needs. Just remember—when you're dealing with friction there can be pain. "Keeping the head wet is the key, I think. There is a point where it crosses over to just hurting the guy from rubbing too much," says Manny from New York.
Now that we have the basic bobbing technique down, here are some next-level tips that you can tell him your gay best friend taught you.
This is a move that was mentioned across the board: "Start by putting your tongue in it and rolling around in it. That drives guys crazy," Adam said and all the other beskinned gentleman agreed. Apparently this a go-to for any self-respecting foreskin pleasure-r.
After shoving your tongue all up in there, give your man's slack some attention of its own. If he has lots of hood, suck on it and give it little nibbles, just be careful. "I like to be rough and in charge so I would bite more than someone else," says Richard. "Start off gently, and depending on the reaction maybe do it a little more. It's like nipples—some are sensitive and some aren't." Adam says that biting on the foreskin isn't for a first-time encounter, and that you might want to ask a guy before chowing down on his shaft.
Now, if you really want to go for the chrome medal (you know, as in sucking it off a bumper) Manny has a recommendation that is really complicated but absolutely amazing. "One thing I like is doing the OPPOSITE move to the foreskin that you're doing to the dick. Like, when you're going down on the dick, pull the foreskin up, and when you're going up on the dick, push the foreskin down. If done right it can be great."
These tips are a good jumping off point, but like everything in sex, communication is key. If you have no clue what you're doing, ask the person on the other side of that cock what he wants. And remember: practice makes perfect, you slut.
Buen manual.Amigo venezolano,Cucuta