Ass-Blasting Routines
Not only will glorious glutes fill out your swimsuit, but they’ll help provide the lower-body strength necessary for success in many sports, and will serve to balance the physique as well. Butt you must train these muscles like all others for positive results. Illustrated are six excellent exercises designed to define and strengthen the glutes. A barbell adds resistance to several movements. Perform each repetition slowly, and use a weight poundage you can handle without strain. Working glutes twice weekly will yield results you can see and feel.

HIP RAISES Lie on the floor on your back, with legs bent, feet flat and arms out to sides, palms down. Proceed to raise hips until the upper body is aligned with the thighs. Pause and squeeze buttocks, then lower to starting position. Perform eight repetitions.

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and arms folded in front of the chest. Keeping the back straight and head up, proceed to squat until thighs are almost but not quite parallel to the floor. Then jump up as high as possible. Upon landing, rise to starting position. Perform eight repetitions.

Stand facing a stationary object and grasp it at arms' length. Proceed to raise the bent right leg back behind you, squeezing buttocks. Pause, then lower to starting position and next raise the left leg.
Perform eight alternating extensions with each leg.

Stand erect grasping a barbell on the upper back, with feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping the back straight and head up, proceed to step forward with the left leg, lowering until the thigh is almost parallel to the floor. Pause, then return to starting position and next step forward with the right leg.
Perform eight alternating lunges with each leg.
GOOD MORNINGS Stand grasping a barbell on the upper back, with feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping knees slightly bent, proceed to lower the upper body until almost but not quite parallel to the floor. Pause, then rise to starting position. Performeight repetitions.
BARBELL SQUATS Stand erect grasping a barbell on the upper back, with feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping the back straight and head up, proceed to squat until thighs are almost but not quite parallel to the floor. Pause, then rise to starting position. Perform eight repetitions.
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