Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Stud & Strength

Weird Body Oddities
Let’s face it: From random Charley horses in your legs, to ice cream headaches in your brain, your body does strange things sometimes! So, let’s unravel the mystery behind some of your weirdest body oddities, with intel we found on WebMD.
  • The first body oddity: Brain Freeze. That’s the temporary headache you get when something cold touches nerves in the roof of your mouth. The cold causes nearby blood vessels to constrict, which produces a sudden, throbbing pain at the front of your head. The fix? Press your tongue to the roof of your mouth. That’ll help warm the cold spot enough to “unfreeze” your brain.
  • The next weird body oddity: Tonsil Stones. Those are the small lumps which form when bacteria or mucous get trapped in the pockets of your tonsils. The stones can leave a bad taste in your mouth, and make it uncomfortable to swallow. Experts say they’re almost always harmless. They’ll either go away on their own, or you can have your doctor remove them with a cotton swab.
  • The 3rd body oddity: Charley Horses. That’s the term some people use for the cramping they feel in the muscles of their legs after exercising. Experts say it’s caused by a combination of things – including dehydration, muscle overuse, or a lack of nutrients in muscle tissue. So, try drinking water as you slowly walk around and stretch your legs. That’ll get nutrient rich blood pumping back into your muscles.
  • Here’s one more body oddity: Black Hairy Tongue. While it’s very rare, some people get bacteria lodged in the tiny bumps on the surface of the tongue, and over time, those bumps grow until the tongue looks black and hairy! Experts say black hairy tongue is an extreme result of poor oral hygiene. So the easiest fix is to brush your teeth more often, and spend extra time brushing your tongue. Also, try rinsing your mouth with a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide. That’ll help kill the bacteria that cause your tongue to turn black.

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