Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Men and Money
- Rate hikes. Interest rates have gone up over the past five years, to as high as 36%! There’s no law that caps rates, but the Credit Card Reform Act will help curb abusive practices. After next February, companies won’t be able to raise rates on existing balances, but you will be subject to higher rates if you miss a payment. Companies can raise rates as high as they want on new purchases. The best thing to do is to pay down your balances as quickly as possible and make sure you avoid late payments.
- New fees. The rates aren’t just going up, they’re multiplying. Cardholders are getting hit with fees they’ve never seen before. For example, some banks are now charging an “inactivity fee” for customers who don’t charge anything for a year. So if you have cards you don’t use, you might want to think about cancelling them.
- Higher minimum monthly payments.
Some companies have bumped up minimum monthly payments from 2% of the
balance to 5%. If you’ve got a $5,000 balance, that’s a big increase –
from $100 to $250. This really hits people on a tight budget who’ve
barely been able to pay their minimum payments, because each time they
don’t make the minimum, they rack up another penalty fee.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Stud & Strength
- The first body oddity: Brain Freeze. That’s the temporary headache you get when something cold touches nerves in the roof of your mouth. The cold causes nearby blood vessels to constrict, which produces a sudden, throbbing pain at the front of your head. The fix? Press your tongue to the roof of your mouth. That’ll help warm the cold spot enough to “unfreeze” your brain.
- The next weird body oddity: Tonsil Stones. Those are the small lumps which form when bacteria or mucous get trapped in the pockets of your tonsils. The stones can leave a bad taste in your mouth, and make it uncomfortable to swallow. Experts say they’re almost always harmless. They’ll either go away on their own, or you can have your doctor remove them with a cotton swab.
- The 3rd body oddity: Charley Horses. That’s the term some people use for the cramping they feel in the muscles of their legs after exercising. Experts say it’s caused by a combination of things – including dehydration, muscle overuse, or a lack of nutrients in muscle tissue. So, try drinking water as you slowly walk around and stretch your legs. That’ll get nutrient rich blood pumping back into your muscles.
- Here’s one more body oddity: Black Hairy Tongue. While it’s very rare, some people get bacteria lodged in the tiny bumps on the surface of the tongue, and over time, those bumps grow until the tongue looks black and hairy! Experts say black hairy tongue is an extreme result of poor oral hygiene. So the easiest fix is to brush your teeth more often, and spend extra time brushing your tongue. Also, try rinsing your mouth with a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide. That’ll help kill the bacteria that cause your tongue to turn black.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
pwfm Men & Money
With numbers like these, living with debt seems unavoidable and paying it off seems like an uphill battle you are destined to lose. However, if you are interested in living debt-free, here are seven expenses to watch for that may be holding you back from being in the black.

1. Not Knowing Your Limits
The Financial Times recently reported that U.S. banks are set to earn $38.5 billion this year from overdraft fees alone, more than double the number from 1994. If you don't know how much is in your bank account, you could easily withdraw or spend beyond your limit or have a check clear that takes your balance below zero. When that happens, banks charge anywhere from $5-$10 in overdraft fees. And that's not all. If you fail to pay back the amount you've overdrawn, you could be hit with even more fees after a set number of days in the form of a large sum (as high as $35) or a daily tariff (often between $5-$10). According to the National Consumer Law Center, the average overdraft fee is $34.65, and considering a purchase as small as your morning latte could put your account in the red, that's a hefty price tag.
Credit cards fare no better, with late payment fees increasing as well as charges for going over your limit. According to a survey done by the Pew Safe Credit Cards Project in March 2009, 92% of credit cards had a fee for exceeding the credit limit, including 100% of student cards. The over-the-limit fee and the late payment fee were both $39 for most accounts. Also, these infringements can result in your interest rate skyrocketing up to 30% or higher. In fact, that same survey found that 93% of cards allow the issuer to raise any interest rate at any time. And once that rate goes up, it is unlikely to come down.
Banking and fees go hand in hand. But there are ways to reduce the charges you pay on a regular basis. First, make sure all of the accounts you have open are absolutely necessary. Consolidating multiple checking or savings account could add up to monthly savings of $20 or more.
Also, make sure you understand what and how you are being charged. Some accounts advertise as being free, but in order to have the monthly charges waived, you may need to fulfill some conditions including but not limited to a minimum balance, not exceeding a set number of transactions per month and/or having a set number of direct deposits or automated bills associated with that account.
Transaction fees can also add up quickly. Remember, if you withdraw money from an ATM instead of your bank, the average $1.50 fee is charged both by the cash machine AND by your bank. Likewise, most banks include a surcharge on email money transfers. Keep an eye on your account and make sure you know how much these conveniences are costing you.
3. Paying the Minimum
Approximately one in six families with credit cards pays only the minimum due each month, according to an Experian national score index study. You've probably read everywhere that this is financial suicide, but let's take a look at what the actual damage would be.
The average interest rate on a credit card in the U.S. is 11.2% according to However, with this kind of payment history, and one-third of credit card holders paying between 20-41%, let's guess conservatively that this family's interest is around 20%. The minimum payment is usually around 2% of the total balance, so in this case that would be about $220 per month. If only that minimum is paid, the debt would be paid off in nearly 77 years, with a total of more than $52,000 paid in interest. Push that interest rate up to 30% and the minimum payment is insufficient to ever pay down the debt.
4. Credit Card Cash Advances
You know that getting a cash advance from your credit card is a bad idea, but we'll all been in an unforeseen situation where you need cash fast. So what does this convenience end up costing you? According to, the fees ten years ago were on average 2% of the amount advanced with a $2 minimum and a $10 maximum fee. Unfortunately, today that number has gone up to 3% with a minimum ranging from $5-$15 with no maximum fees. Add these fees to the transactions fees you might be paying and you'll be shocked to see the total amount that disappears from your wallet each month on convenience fees alone.
5. Payday Loans
This expense may be the most dangerous of the all for your pocket book. These highly unregulated lenders do provide a valuable service – if you need cash now, you can get it for a fee and a promise to repay the amount once payday comes around. However, the industry standard in annualized interest is between 200 and 500%.
These lenders are able to avoid usury laws by calling their interest charges “service fees” which are not regulated the same way in many places. In fact, payday services have been outlawed or severely restricted in 13 states according to (Hold too tightly to this rescue line and you'll soon be drowning in debt.
6. Not Negotiating
This step can be tricky, but it could also save you enormous amounts of money interest. If you are having trouble paying down your debt, call your creditor and ask to have your interest rate reduced. These companies want your business, so often you will be able to negotiate a repayment schedule that can help you pay down your debt faster. Make sure you ask for the lowest fixed rate – an introductory rate that will shoot right back up in a few months will have you back at square one.
Don't be afraid to bring up competitors' rates; your credit card company may be more willing to offer a comparable rate if you can get it somewhere else .If the company will only offer you a lowered rate for a set amount of time (usually six months to a year), that is better than nothing. The best part about this step is that there is no harm in asking, only the potential for big savings. (Reducing the rate charged on your credit card balance is the first step to getting out of debt.
7. Ignorance Is NOT Bliss
The worst culprit for keeping you in debt is not knowing where your money is going. Make it a priority to keep records of where and how you spend your hard-earned cash. Make a repayment plan and have set goal-dates for paying off debts. Without these tools, it's far too easy to stay in debt. You can purchase accounting software, make a simple (and free) spreadsheet on your computer or even work it out with a pen and paper; just make sure you make a long-term plan for regaining control of your finances.
Debt may seem like a life sentence, but it doesn't have to be. The number one tip for maintaining financial health is awareness. Be aware of your money and where it goes each month, and be aware of the options available to you. There are easy ways to help alleviate the stress on your finances and move from red to black, and the rewards are more than just monetary.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Provocative Penis Information

Penis size survey
You might wonder if we've covered old ground by having our very own penis size survey. But there seems to be so much interest in penis size, and so little reliable information, that we felt it was a useful exercise. And who knows? It might settle once and for all the age old question - just what is average penis size? So, if you're ready to find out the facts about penis size, then read on.
The survey was conducted in May and June 2003. Responders completed a questionnaire in which they were asked about their sexual orientation, penis size, penis shape and other relevant questions. The results were screened for veracity by deleting all responses which had any anomalies, incomplete answers, or multiple replies from the same ISP. Responses were only accepted from men aged 16 or over.
The instructions given to the men were as follows:
How to measure your non-erect (flaccid) penis:
Measure the length along the top surface from where your penis meets your body to the tip of the glans. Retract - roll back - your foreskin so you can see the glans if you're uncircumcised. Measure the girth around the penis with a piece of string, very carefully, at its thickest point. Then lay the string along a ruler to establish its length.
How to measure your erect penis:
Measure along the upper surface from the very tip of the glans to the place where the top surface of your erect penis meets your body. You will want to measure the length that is exposed for use, as it were, so don't push into the fatty tissue around the base of the shaft. Uncircumcised men can retract their foreskin. If your penis bends up or down, or from side to side when it's erect, lay a piece of string along the surface of the skin and measure the string with a ruler. For the circumference of your penis we require two measurements: 1 Around the biggest part of the head or glans of your penis - this will usually be the rim of the glans 2 And around the thickest part of your penis shaft. Measure both these sizes with a piece of string wrapped around your penis when your penis is at its fullest erection.
Results of the survey
General information (all averages are medians)
By racial grouping: | Whites | Blacks | Asians | Hispanic |
% of the total replies coming from each of these groups | 78.0 | 9.7 | 8.8 | 3.5 |
Average age of respondent | 25 | 23 | 26 | 20 |
% of each racial group describing themselves as: | ||||
totally heterosexual | 69.7 | 68.3 | 40.5 | 48.3 |
mostly heterosexual | 16.0 | 14.6 | 25.7 | 24.1 |
bisexual | 7.4 | 9.8 | 18.9 | 24.2 |
mostly gay | 2.8 | 4.9 | 12.2 | 3.4 |
totally gay | 4.1 | 2.4 | 2.7 | 0 |
% circumcised | 64.5* | 68.0 | 58.1 | 48.3 |
Average flaccid penis length (inches) (cm) | 3.4 (8.6) | 4.1 (10.4) | 3.2 (8.1) | 3.4 (8.6) |
Average flaccid penis girth (inches) (cm) | 3.9 (9.9) | 4.3 (10.9) | 3.9 (9.9) | 3.9 (9.9) |
Average erect penis length (inches) (cm) | 5.9 (15.0) | 6.5 (16.5) | 5.4 (13.7) | 5.9 (15.0) |
Average erect penis girth (inches) (cm) | 5.0 (12.7) | 5.1 (13.0) | 4.9 (12.4) | 5.0 (12.7) |
Circumcision rates
Though the frequency of circumcision is falling, it is still more common in the USA than Europe. Among European males, the percentage of men in the survey who reported being circumcised was only 30% compared to 64.5% of American men. This is across all age groups.
Racial differences in penis size
There's a common belief that blacks have larger penises than whites, and Asians have smaller average sizes than whites.
Well, the results of our survey demonstrate that this legend is absolutely true. As you can see from the data above, on average black men have a penis that is bigger when both flaccid and erect than white men. For these racial groups, the average penis size for black men is over half an inch longer than the average size for white men when both soft and erect. The average girth or circumference of black men's penises when soft is almost half an inch greater than that of whites, although the difference is less noticeable when they are erect.
Asians, by contrast, are half an inch smaller than whites on average when erect, though the differences between the soft penises of the two races are less marked.
Expansion on erection
The average increase in penis length on erection is from 3.4 inches to 5.9 inches - which represents an increase in volume of 180%! (It reminds me of the old joke. Q: "What's an erection?" A: "It's when your blood pressure goes all to cock!")
However, small penises increase in size proportionately much more than large penises. For example, a penis which is less than 2 inches in length when flaccid increases on average to 5.2 inches in length when erect. A penis that is 5 inches or more when flaccid increases on average by only 1.5 inches.
There is a small minority of penises which actually just get hard, and don't increase in length at all: these are usually over 6 inches when flaccid, so there aren't many of them!
For men with a very small flaccid penis
There is a significant number of men with a very small flaccid penis, sometimes so small that it is actually withdrawn into the body and all that is visible is an opening where the penis will emerge as it gets erect. Another variation of this condition is the penis which shows no penile shaft at all when soft, and only the glans is visible. I know from emails I have received that many men are very upset by having a penis like this, but whatever you may feel about this if you happen to be one of these men, the good news is that there is nothing abnormal about the condition. I have spoken to an endocrinologist who tells me that in his professional practice between 1 and 3 % of the men he sees will have a penis that fits into this category, which broadly speaking matches the data received in the penis size survey shown below.
The columns below show the same penis soft and becoming erect | |
| |
| |
The columns below show the same penis soft and becoming erect | |
| |
| |
Complete results in detail
With over 1,500 responses, these are the complete results of the survey for the white racial group respondents:
1) Flaccid (soft) penis size
Average penis length when flaccid = 3.4 inches
Average penis girth when flaccid = 3.9 inches
For the mathematically inclined, all the averages above are medians: that is, the point at which 50 % of the sample group is reached. This seems to me a good way of working out average penis size. Taking the mean as the average does not alter the conclusions of this study! The racial differences are still just as visible.
3) Thickest part of the erect penis
It's very obvious from the replies to the penis size survey that the appearance of the erect penis varies greatly between men. Some men have a bulbous glans which is far wider than the shaft when their penis is erect, while others have a small glans that sits perched on the end of their erect shaft like an acorn. The survey did not reveal any factors that correlate with this variation, such as the size of the flaccid penis or the increase in size on erection, so it appears to be just an individual variation. This is how men reported which is the thickest part of their erect penis:
On the rim of the glans - 36.1% | On the shaft near the glans - 16.6% | On the shaft lower down - 28.6% | The same diameter all the way down including the glans - 18.7% |
Monday, July 20, 2009
pwfm Stud & Strength

We Don't Always Eat What We Should
Have you ever gone into a restaurant thinking “salad” - and left full of “burger and fries”? Or maybe you stocked up on fruits and veggies at the grocery store, but forget all about them when it’s snack time. Well, psychologists at Duke University think they know why we don’t always eat the way we should. We found this on one of our favorite science websites,
- The researchers asked volunteers to order from a menu that contained three items: French fries, chicken nuggets, and a baked potato with butter and sour cream. Not the best set of choices, but, most of the volunteers did the right thing and avoided the least healthy item – the French fries.
- Then, they repeated the test, but this time the researchers added a salad to the menu. Here’s where it gets interesting. When they had a healthier choice, the majority of people ordered the fries!
- To double check the results, the researchers did the test again - with different food items. However, it didn’t make any difference. When there was no clear right choice, the volunteers avoided the worst foods, but a healthy option made them throw caution to the wind.
The scientists think something called vicarious goal fulfillment is behind the bad choices. That means that thinking about ordering the salad was enough to satisfy the ‘healthy’ goals the volunteers set – which allowed them to splurge and treat themselves with something they wouldn’t normally choose.
What’s this mean to you? You need to be careful about where you eat - because just seeing the grilled chicken salad at the burger place makes you more likely to order the supersize fries. Not all is lost. The researchers believe that being aware of vicarious goal fulfillment gives you an edge. So, before you go into a restaurant or decide to raid the fridge, remind yourself that you’re wired to make bad choices. That’ll stop you from just thinking about healthy food - and get you to eat it instead.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Provocative Thought
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Tour de France 2009-Stage 6

Thor Hushovd
Stage 6 winner
(born January 18, 1978 in Grimstad) is a Norwegian professional road bicycle racer, riding for Cervélo TestTeam. Hushovd is known for sprinting and time trialing. He is a former Norwegian time trial champion. He is the first Norwegian to wear the yellow jersey in the Tour de France.
Before turning professional in 1998, Hushovd won the under-23 time trial world championship and the under-23 versions of Paris-Roubaix and Paris-Tours.
Hushovd was Norwegian time trial champion in 2004 and 2005 and road race champion in 2004. In 2006, Hushovd won seven UCI ProTour races and two stages of the Tour de France. Hushovd won the prologue in Strasbourg and wore the maillot jaune after the first day despite a cut arm. He continued with stitches and regained the maillot jaune after stage 2 with a third place finish. As the Tour started with Hushovd, it ended with his winning the last stage, beating Robbie McEwen in a sprint. In the 2006 Vuelta a España he won stage 6, wore the golden jersey for three stages and won the points classification.
At the 2008 Tour de France, Hushovd won stage two in a bunched sprint finish.
In 2009, Hushovd rides for the Cervélo TestTeam. He took one of the team's first victories of the season by winning Stage 3 of the Tour of California.
2009 Tour de France General Classification After Stage 6: 1. Fabian Cancellara Team Saxo Bank in 19:29:22