Friday, December 12, 2008

3 Simple Steps to Stick to Your Workout
Missed a motivator? Here are three simple steps to stick to your workout: Step 1 - Plan the day and time for each workout at the beginning of every week. This forces you to schedule meetings, errands and appointments at other times, ensuring there's always a specific time block for exercise. Would you miss a workout if your life depended on it? Step 2 - Make each session a minimum of ten minutes. Short enough that there's no excuse even on a busy day. The idea isn't to do short workouts, just to establish a pattern. You make exercise part of your routine, like shaving or dinner. Step 3 - Keep an exercise diary. Track how you feel and function every day, rating your mood, energy level and productivity from one to ten. This feedback motivates you when your exercise goals involve fitness and general health.

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