Deadlines You Should Never Miss
It’s true what they say: Time is money. In fact, here are four deadlines where simply being ON time can save you lots of money. We found these on CNN.
- Deadline #1: Your credit card bill. Credit card payment deadlines are ruled by three magic words: “Subject To Change!” In other words, even if you ask for a payment date that’s more convenient for you, banks have the right to change that date at any time! So whether you pay by mail – or online – experts say you should double check your due date as soon as you receive a statement. Then, make sure your payment arrives by 3 PM, at least one business day BEFORE that date. Otherwise you face a late fee of $40 or more plus finance charges.
- A 2nd deadline you should never miss: Promotional deadlines. Electronics and furniture stores love to lure people in with ads which scream: “buy now, pay later!” That’s really just code for: “pay now or else.” Because interest WILL start adding up the moment you walk out of a store, at rates as high as 39%. If you don’t pay the full balance before the promotion ends, you’ll be on the hook for all that interest – retroactively. Which means a cool new plasma TV you bought for $1,000, might suddenly cost DOUBLE that amount.
- Here’s a surprising deadline you should never miss: Due dates for library books and parking tickets. Ignoring the deadline for a city service – like a parking ticket – will go on your credit history. If your bank sees a pattern of being late on other payments, they may go ahead and raise your interest rate – even if you’ve made all your credit card payments on time.
- Here’s one last deadline that could cost you dearly to miss: The deadline for reporting a lost or stolen ATM card. Most banks are happy to replace a lost card for free – if you call them immediately. However, if someone uses your ATM card fraudulently, and you wait more than two days to call the bank, you could lose everything. Because debit cards aren’t protected the same way that credit cards are protected. So the bank will be under no obligation to refund any stolen money!
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