Birthdate: December 2, 1977
Birth location: Country flag Houston, Texas
Birth name: Robert Sager
Date of death: February 25, 2007 (age 29)
Height: 6' 1" (1.85 m)
Weight: 230 lb (105 kg)
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown

Rob talks about his life in an interview done January 2005
Tass:Hi Rob! Let me just start off saying I’m a huge fan of your work! I even bought your calendar last year and was sad to see there’s no calendar for 2005.
Rob: Hi Tass. Well, I am glad you like my work…Thanks! And don’t worry, we are hoping to come out with another calendar next year, so stay tuned. All my fans can keep on top (so to speak) of the details at my site,
Tass: Ok, so tell me a little bit about your background?
Rob: I was born in Houston, and later lived in Ohio. I came out to California a few years ago to attend college and I still live here.
Tass: How did you get started as far as fitness modeling?
Rob: When I was 22 and still living in Ohio, I went to a big bodybuilding contest called the Arnold Classic.
At the contest expo, I met one of the major bodybuilding photographers named Irvin Gelb. He encouraged me to give fitness modeling a shot…and I am really glad I did!
Tass: Now you used to go by the name of Brett Mycles when you were with Jetset2000. Why the name change?
.Rob: Rob Sager is my real name. Obviously most adult film stars work under fictitious names and Brett Mycles was the name that the video company choose.
Tass: What made you decide to leave adult film for awhile?
.Rob: I really wanted to focus on being a fitness professional and bodybuilding. The life adventure was a little detour that I moved past over five years ago.
Tass: Can you put aside some rumors about you recently doing a “hardcore gay film”?
.Rob:That’s just one of many rumors I’ve heard. But, as I said, I haven’t ventured back into that field in years.
Tass: What’s the one thing people don’t really now about Rob Sager?
Rob: I’m now happily married to my sweat heart from High School. She was 17 when we met. I was 19. That’s eight years ago now!
Tass: When your not out promoting yourself, because you are everywhere lol from Fitness magazine covers to more gay erotica covers. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Rob: I really like to hang out with my wife and my friends, go jet skiing, snow boarding, anything physical!
Rob Sager
Tass: Do you get recognized a lot in public?
.Rob:I won’t deny that it still happens. Not as much as it used to, though. But fans are pretty perceptive and they know me when they see me.
Tass: What would you like to be known for & what is more important to you?
.Rob:I would have to say Rob Sager “fitness model,” because it’s the real me. The other, was something created by a video company and THEY are only ones still making lots of money from that venture. You know, life IS a “long and winding road” and you learn lots along the way.
Tass: Now I also hear you won a few bodybuilding contests, the last one being the 2002 Aloha muscle in Hawaii. How does it make you feel and do you plan on competing more?
Rob:Winning at the Aloha Muscle Classic was amazing. I worked so hard to get ready and it was fantastic when it all paid off. I may compete again sometime, I am just not sure when yet. Right now I have gotten pretty busy in real estate and refurbishing properties in Southern California.
Tass: It’s obvious you take very good care of yourself so what is your workout routine like?
Rob: Right now, I am focusing on the basics to bulk up a bit before cutting down to shear muscle for the next summer season. For the next four months or so, my training will consist mostly of power routines concentrating mainly on the Bench Press, Dead Lift, Squat, Military Press, and Arm Curls.
Tass: How important is fitness to you?
Rob: Very, as it is part of my lifestyle, no matter what else I do with my career!
Tass: Do you plan on doing appearance’s like TV or even dancing?
Rob: Never say never! But dancing NO WAY! I’m the worst! LOL
Tass: Now lets talk about your website RobSager.Com .What can people expect to see?
.Rob:It's both a fun and informative website. It's easy to navigate--with lots of photos. In fact, it features some behind the scenes shots taken at one of my latest photo shoots. There are also workout tips, and you can subscribe to get fitness updates, the latest photos and videos of me and so much more! Members can also email me personally for training tips. And there is always some new and exciting “behind the scene” clips of me in some state of nakedness!
Tass: I also see you have auctions on Ebay of the clothing you wear from photo shoots. What else will you auction off?
.Rob:Right now, it’s just clothing. I still have a drawer that's overflowing with workout gear I've worn at photo shoots for places like International Male and Undergear.
Tass: So you recently shot a video for your own site called “Lifestyles” tell me what your members can expect.
.Rob: It’s a great video that we shot on location in Miami and also on Oahu. There’s great indoor footage of me all pumped up, as well as some fantastic scenes filmed outdoors against Oahu’s lush scenery and lots of eroticism!
Tass: You made a special appearance on Can we expect more of this from you?
.Rob:I hope so! I love erotic posing and showing off the muscular development that I worked to hard for!
Tass: Anything else your fans can look out for?
Rob: Well, the web site keeps my fans up to date with the latest and there are always lots of unexpected surprises and E-BAY auctions of all the hot outfits (skimpy as they are) for the members on the site…so check it out!
Tass: Last but not least where can your fans get in touch with you?
Rob: Fans can access my direct email through the MEMBERS ONLY area of my website: Those questions and comments come directly to me, and I put aside an hour each day at my computer (when I’m not traveling) to focus on answering all the mail – so I look forward to hearing from everyone!

Rob, you will be greatly missed.
Rob sager, a man who was defined by one word, perfectionish. It aplies con his body and his work.
ReplyDeleteA phenomenal male model, a porn estar and high class wrestler.
A breathtaking man with espectacular photos, and i love him as wrester.
As Brett Mycles was an outstanding grappler, sometimes with elegance, also an efective and couregious figther, by the way, the king of erotic wrestling, he made to looking good his foes until finish them.
A brave warrior, an ultimate alpha male.