To Make Results Faster and Maximize your gains you need to train with a purpose
When I was training clients at health clubs I could always tell right off the bat the ones that would make progress and the ones that won't follow what I had to say. And you know what the difference was? "Purpose". Too many people start exercising just wanting to lose some weight or gain some muscle but the lack the drive to do so because their Motivational factor is not high enough. They exercise at a half-ass level, barley breaking a sweat, cut their workouts short, and don't follow any sort of program.
The fact is if you want to make some great results your motivation factor has to be greater then the obstacles you need to over-come. You need to adapt a "kick-ass" mind-set that says, "I'm going to reach my fitness goals no mater what it takes! Nothing will get in my way and I will not fail!" You then need a solid workout plan and focus on each workout as if it's your most important. Do let up or give in. Even if you feel like crap, (assuming you're not ill) go to the gym and push yourself, you'll feel great because of it.
And most importantly remind yourself everyday why you are doing this (your motivational factor). To lose weight or get buff is an end result not a motivational factor. Some motivational factors you may have are: Looking great will get me that special someone, I'll receive more positive attention and respect, my sex life will be great, I'll be healthy and live longer and more enjoyable life, or whatever it may be for you.

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