Saturday, March 30, 2013

Provocative Men in Uniform

You can not miss.......

How to behave at a nude beach

There is a misconception that people attending nude beaches are perverts, sexually loose and there's no holds barred on behavior at these locations. This is simply not so. There are some basic manners every nude beach goer should adhere to and same goes for clothing optional beaches.
If you are going to visit a nude beach for the first time be sure to check out my article for nude beach beginners, "Nude Beaches, What You Can Expect"

Know the difference between a nude beach and a clothing-optional beach
There is a difference, believe it or not, between nude beaches and clothing optional beaches. A nude beach means that if you are visiting, you will be expected at some point to shed your clothing. Clothing optional beaches means it's entirely up to you whether or not you want to wear clothing and how much clothing you want to have on. Read up about the beach you are visiting or ask someone on staff before you visit.

Don't assume this is some sort of make-out fest
Sexual activity is prohibited on both nude and clothing optional beaches. It's illegal regardless. Families visit both types of beaches and no parent wants their kid witnessing sex on the beach.

Staring isn't nice
You don't stare at people at The Gap or Wal-Mart do you? Then don't stare at people at the beach. It's just plain rude. If you're looking for a cheap thrill then spare those of us who are nude on the beach by downloading porn onto your computer instead.

Don't take pictures
A lot of nude beaches and clothing optional beaches prohibit cameras on location. If they do allow cameras never take someone's naked picture unless you ask them first. It's a matter of privacy and respect. Just because people are letting it all hang out nude on the beach doesn't mean they're doing it to give you a great slideshow.

Don't invite yourself
Be friendly, but don't cross the line. Respect the other beach visitor's privacy. Unwelcome advances of any kind are not acceptable. If you want to approach someone wave and get their attention from a short distance first to announce your presence.

Let others know you're nude on a clothing optional beach
If you're nude on a clothing optional beach there is a way to let others they are about to walk by someone who is nude. Lay you're bathing suite out in the open, either on a rock or a chair. If you have a wind blocking condo or umbrella let your swim suit flap in the wind from there. If you're sunbathing nude in a secluded area, leave a bathing suit on a rock to let others know they are approaching an unclothed person. If you don't want anyone to see you nude keep a spare towel or bathing suit close at hand to cover up with before they see you.

Get dressed
Before you leave a nude beach and especially a clothing optional beach, put your clothes back on. It's bad form, and sometimes illegal, to walk back to your car in the buff.

Bring a towel
Make sure you bring a towel. I know it sounds weird but there are people who sunbathe on the sand instead of a towel. There are places on a nude beach, such as a bar, that require you to sit on a folded towel.

Keep the beach clean
If you bring it to the beach, take it with you when you leave. Carry out your trash and throw it away at home. Don't be a litter bug.

Pass it along
The most important thing I have to say when it comes to nude beach etiquette is pass it on. If you see someone violating common nude beach etiquette, stand up and say something. Inform them as politely as you can about what they are doing. Most people respond pretty well when its done in a respectful and polite way.

Stripper fan Joey seduces his straight rock star idol Paddy

Aron tells his football teammate Nubius he wants to tap that

Alex J, in briefs, tries to wrestle his coat back from Peter

Thursday, March 28, 2013

pwfm Provocative Insight -Giulio Berruti

Italian actor Giulio Berruti previously starred in such television miniseries in his homeland as "Il Falco e la Colomba" ("The Hawk and the Dove"), "La figlia di Elisa - Ritorno a Rivombrosa" ("The daughter of Elisa – Rivombrosa Returns") and "Black Arrow." He was also seen in the feature films "Bon appétit," for which the director won the coveted Prix Goya in Spain, "Deadly Kitesurf" and "Melissa P.," based on a memoir by Melissa Panarello. Berruti graduated from dental school before becoming an actor. He is also a mechanic.
Italian Salami Giulio played the role of polo-playing Prince Domenico da Silvano in 2011's 'Monte Carlo', produced by Nicole [concrete face] Kidman, staring Selena Gomez and Andie MacDowell; "because she's [totally] worth it", or at least she was in 'Groundhog Day'!
Berruti's BEAR-BUTT-IE from the NSFW 2012 Italian movie 'L'Amore è Imperfetto' which translates as 'Love Is Imperfect'.
Age: 28 years old
Birthday: September 27, 1984
Height: 6' 2 ¾"
Birthplace: Rome, Italy


giulio berruti by rosygb86