Saturday, September 30, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Analingus "Rimming"
There is absolutely nothing wrong with or abnormal about rimming. If you feel tempted to condemn it, remember that, not too long ago, oral sex was considered a disgusting perversion and was outlawed in many states. Now oral sex is so widely accepted that about three-quarters of Americans say they have performed it on a lover and had it performed on them. In fact, many couples don't make love without it.
Rimming may not ever become as popular as oral sex, but in recent years Americans have become somewhat more sexually experimental. In fact, surveys suggest that around fifteen percent of American adults -- more than twenty million people -- have experienced some form of anal sex play. There are no statistics specifically on rimming, but as people become more comfortable with sexual experimentation in general, and anal play in particular, it should come as no surprise that many heterosexuals and homosexuals alike are expressing curiosity about analingus.
Why Analingus Feels Erotic
The anus and surrounding tissue are richly endowed with nerves that are highly sensitive to gentle, playful, loving touch. The same is true for the lips and tongue, and when you put these areas together, the combination can be powerfully erotic.
Another reason anal stimulation feels erotic is the pelvic floor muscles, which lie beneath the surface of the anal area. These muscles play an important role in sex and are the ones that contract during orgasm. Using a sex toy, finger or tongue to massage or insert into the anus stimulates the pelvic floor muscles and heightens overall erotic sensations.
Finally, sex draws a good deal of its emotional power from lovers' wholehearted acceptance of each other. Analingus involves acceptance of an area that's often not accepted -- in fact, one that's usually rejected. Analingus becomes a way for the giver to say: " I love all of you. No part of your wonderful body turns me off." And it's a way for the receiver to say:" I'm totally yours. No part of me is off limits to you." This level of mutual acceptance can be a powerful turn-on.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Things Men Do, But They Won't Admit To

Let’s be perfectly honest: If the vast majority of men didn’t manscape, the number of urban sasquatch sightings would rise by at least 300%. Thankfully, that hasn’t become an issue since today’s trendsetting metrosexuals are shaving, waxing and plucking like never before. In fact, these ambitious “Mother Pluckers” have created a male grooming market that exceeds sales of $3.5 billion annually. To put that in perspective, that’s more than the combined GDP of Liberia, Sierra Leone, Burundi, and Malawi -- four countries where male grooming is admittedly less of a priority than outrunning wild boars.
They cry
When it comes to crying, men used to believe it was only admissible to shed a tear at
a) Your father’s funeral or
b) When hit in the man berries with anything larger than a breadbox.
However, there’s not a red-blooded man on the planet who hasn’t broken down during the closing moments of a sports film. That includes tearjerkers like Rudy, Bang the Drum Slowly and, yes, even two-thirds of the Air Bud trilogy. So, just how often do men cry? According to Dr. William Frey, a professor of pharmaceutics at the University of Minnesota, men cry an average of 1.4 times per month.

Although few guys will admit it, there are certain times when an ice cold beer or a smooth glass of scotch simply won’t satisfy. That’s why they are increasingly wetting their whistles with festive girly drinks like lime margaritas, wine coolers and apple puckers. Sure these drinks might not be very manly, but you’ll never get a fun little paper umbrella if you keep on ordering Coors.
They refuse sex

Although it might seem preposterous, there are times when some men are simply not in the mood. According to recent statistics, 22% of men are more likely to refuse sex than their partners. Whether he’s too pooped to pop or he’s just listened to his mother-in-law discuss her yeast infection, not all men are sexual machines at all times.
They preen
For years, music lovers have debated who Carly Simon was singing about in her mega hit, “You’re So Vain.” Was it Warren Beatty? How about Mick Jagger? Although both men are likely candidates, Simon could easily have been singing about men in general. Like it or not, men are arrogant, boastful creatures more concerned with their appearances than they let on. Consider, for instance, that according to a recent survey, 19% of men said they wouldn't mind being stupid as long as they had the perfect body -- call it the Keanu Reeves Syndrome, if you will. That compulsive concern over their looks also extends to their hairlines, as 48% of men think balding has a negative effect on business and social relationships.

They watch chick flicks
It isn’t merely a coincidence that many of the best films from the past decade have been so-called chick flicks. From The English Patient to The Hours, these well-crafted cinematic gems contain a certain je ne sais quoi missing in movies like White Chicks. They have intense drama, they have keen character development and, sometimes, they even have cat fights.
Similarly, the reason Desperate Housewives has become one of the top shows on the tube is because it attracts a demographic that’s split among female and male viewers. And why not? The plots are fun, the dialogue is witty and the women are hotter than a snake’s ass on a wagon ride. Desperate Housewives is hardly a new phenomenon either. Even before Housewives premiered, shows like Sex and the City ruled the airwaves for the very same reason.
They flip through women’s magazines
No one ever wants to get caught reading an article entitled “7 Ways To Make Him Ache For You.” Nonetheless, we all peruse magazines like Cosmo and Marie Claire from time to time. After all, these pithy little publications offer us an intimate perspective into the female psyche. They teach us what women want, they instruct us on what women are thinking and, best of all, each issue contains more cleavage than the Grand Canyon. More than just glossy periodicals, they’re like psychology textbooks with boobies.
They display brand loyalty
Although most men scoff at the notion of brand loyalty, their closets often reveal a different sentiment altogether. Hit the links, for instance, and you’ll find many men are plastered with so many Nike swooshes that they look as though they’ve signed a multimillion dollar endorsement deal. In the end, men are attracted to certain brands for the same reason they’re attracted to the idea of love at first sight: It saves time.

They cuddle and use pet names
Get a guy behind closed doors with his partner and he’ll resort to an endless string of “darlings,” “pumpkins” and “cupcakes” faster than you can say “Gag me with a spoon.” In fact, some men use these pet names so much they end up sounding like a romantic form of Tourette Syndrome.
And where there are pet names, cuddling can’t be far behind. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. A recent survey conducted by the Berman Center for Women's Health in Chicago found that couples who cuddle have a closer emotional connection and are more stress-free. Sure, a good hug might not be as exciting as having sex with Norwegian twins on a trapeze, but if it helps you live longer, it can’t be all that bad.
They acknowledge other guys' looks
Ask a guy about another man’s attractiveness and he’ll either
a) Tell you he’s never noticed,
b) Openly question your sexuality or
c) Run out of the room screaming, "Stay away from me, you hear me? Stay AWAY!"
That’s because they all think that admitting they find another guy attractive is like admitting they want to spend an afternoon in a Turkish bathhouse with Carson Kressley. Nonetheless, men do notice. They notice at work, at home and in the gym. Hell, they even notice in the bathroom, where even heterosexual guys have glanced at more packages than a UPS delivery man.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
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